I've been playing some variation of the Worms series since the 90s. I don't recall exactly when I picked it up the first time, but I was happy when I did. Silly cartoon graphics belie a pretty kick ass turn based strategy game. Strategy and just enough arcade style skill that it goes beyond simply knowing your next move like Chess. You must know your next move and then try not to accidentally send the explosive sheep into your own team instead of that cluster of enemies. It's also a good game for multiplayer even if you only have one computer. Being turn based, you can simply swap out players when their turn is up.
I've heard the criticism a few places that Worms hasn't really done anything new since its original release in 1995. While I have to agree that they haven't added much over the past decade and a half, I can't say I really see it as a problem. The game is fairly simple and pretty well designed to deliver scads of fun. If you own pretty much any of the 2D versions, the game is the same: Kill other worms before they kill you. If Team 17 wants to release a new Worms every month, I say they should go for it. If you own a copy and you're happy with it, KEEP PLAYING IT. Why do you feel obliged to purchase the new version if you don't think it makes sense? I certainly won't be upgrading my copy or buying any of the DLC that's available for the version I own now because I'm completely satisfy with the game as I have it now.
Games Played:
Worms Reloaded
Negative, Ghostrider.
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