Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day Eighteen

It does me precious little good to know that "We don't go to Ravenholm" when that's precisely where I have to go. I'd rather have taken my chances with Dog against the Combine attack, but noooooo. Let's traipse through the place you just got done telling me we don't go anymore. <shudder>

When I first played Half Life 2, this level was the second time I recall feeling genuine terror from a video game. The first was the green tentacle monster in the missile silo from the first Half Life. Ravenholm is much worse. The whole level is designed for terror. It even goes so far as to violate fundamental laws of zombie attacks by including not only your standard shambling, slow, stupid zombies; but also really fucking fast ones that run at you like and animal and devour your face. Not cool. I'm not even to that part of the level yet and they're already scaring me because I know they're coming.

I have been terrorized by other video games since first playing this level, such as while wandering the wasteland at night in Fallout 3, but this one is still the worst (in a good way). I stopped playing 20 minutes ago and I still have the creeps. I know what's going to happen next and it still messes with me. The good news is, I'm not piloting that fucking airboat any more, having passed that stupid level, and good ole Padre Grigori gives me a shotgun in this level. No weapon satisfies me more in an FPS than a shotgun and this one is chocked full of shotgunny goodness.

Games Played: 
Half Life 2

Blast from the Past
Zero-Point Energy

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