Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day Six

For those of you haven't played any of the Peggle games, I recommend them. They're easy to understand and control. They're fun to play quickly if you've got  five free minutes or 5 free hours. But perhaps the most important reason to pick them up is that they are programmed by robot space mutants from the future to play on your most basic, Pavlovian responses to stimuli. The game practically injects liters of fresh, hot dopamine directly into your brain through your eyeballs.

Look at that. Unicorns! Rainbows! Huge point values! The game literally plays Ode to Joy after you beat every single level. It doesn't even get old. It's like a host of angels is singing your praises for the perfectly placed shot to snag the last orange peg. You sir, you peg smashing demi-god, have earned this rainbow and this song. Revel in them.

Games Played: 
Peggle Dexlue

There are no achievements in Peggle games

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